Privacy Policy

It is important to read everything

Information Collected and its Use

    Information collected from both Members and the public includes:

  • Server log information: When you visit the Members Portal or any other website, your PC is identified by a unique number called an IP address. Your IP address is automatically collected in server logs. Website administrators use this information to help diagnose problems with our server and to analyze server traffic to assess use volume and gauge the popularity of particular site pages. This information cannot be traced back to a specific individual. The server log also can tell us which browser you are using (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape), and the name of the website that referred you to our site. (i.e., if you were visiting and clicked on a link to the Members Portal, you were “referred” through
  • Cookies:These are text files that our website and many others place on your computer’s hard drive to keep track of your preferences. We may use cookies to personalize your experience on the Members Portal, i.e. cookies may help us remember that you regularly purchase CLE products related to family law, so that we might advise you of other related Bar products or services based on those known preferences.
  • Information collected from Members only includes:

  • User-supplied information:Court rules already require that members regularly advise the Bar of basic personal information such as name, address, and business telephone number. Many members voluntarily supplement their membership profile with fax numbers and email addresses as well, although this is not required.
  • Use of the Bar Members Portal particularly activities involving purchase or payment, requires that you give us limited personal information to confirm your identity.

    Members should be aware that the Florida Constitution and Supreme Court rules make most member information received in connection with the transaction of official business of the Bar a “record” with few exemptions from public access. Art. 1, Sec. 24, Fla. Const.; Fla.R.Jud.Admin. 2.051; R.RegulatingFla.Bar 1-14.1; In Re Amendments to Fla. Rules, 608 So.2d 472 (Fla. 1992).

    Member credit card account numbers used in connection with the Members Portal are protected and exempt from public disclosure.

    However, by providing the necessary information for any Members Portal transaction, you can and will be able to conduct certain Bar business via the Internet which in the past required telephone or mail contact with our headquarters offices. These online services are provided as a convenience to our members, but are not their only option. Members are still free to use traditional “paper” methods for Fee Payment, CLE Registration, and the like.

Security & Credit Card Transactions

    To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of collected information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Currently, members may use Visa or MasterCard when transacting business such as CLE Registration or Fee Payment using the Members Portal.

    Again, state law recognizes that Members Portal passwords in the possession of the Bar are confidential.

    Credit card account numbers are similarly protected.

    Member credit card details are maintained only to the extent that such maintenance is required to complete the current transaction, and these details are not stored beyond the current transaction. Credit card information is not shared with third parties unrelated to the credit card approval process.

    In those instances where credit card details are provided, specifically uses the industry standard encryption software, Secured Sockets Layer (SSL). This technology protects your information from unauthorized use via advanced encryption technology and is used by numerous retailers on the Internet to protect confidential credit card and transactional information

    The URL in your browser will change to “HTTPS” instead of “HTTP” when this security feature is invoked, and your browser may also display a lock symbol on its bottom task bar line to indicate invoked secure transmission (note that some browsers or “framed” websites may not show this lock symbol).

If the practices or policies of Accounting and Insurance described in these statements materially change, such changes will be reflected in a revised privacy statement